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Hai im Faiz, or you peeps can call me Ban okey haha. Welcome to my blog that actually has nothing in it, other than 'about me' but please behave urself k ^^,

~her smile~

Sunday, March 3, 2013 | 1:59 AM | 0 comments

*definition of smile in my opinion is a way 2 describe our feeling such as; amusement, joy, kindness,pleasure n love :)
*it is like we're laughing, but we do it silently by putting our smile like thiss >> ^_^
that juz n opening, saje buat grand sikit hehe.. actually what i'am gonna talk today is bout 'her' smile. everytime she smile, make me fall in love with her over n over again. even though i don't want 2 smile, i juz can't help it, her smile make meee wanna smile.
everytime we go out on a date, she smile beautifully, means she is happy with me :) n that's a relieved.what i mean by relieve is i'm afraid that i cannnot satisfy her as her man,boy or whateverlah.
i want her to be happy, i want to see she smiling like that ^ hehe. soooo i'll try my best to show her how much i love her n how much i want her. bukan sebab nafsu semata-mata.so i want you to give me time, so i could prove to you okey? ya-Allah in this meantime, i want You to give me strength 2 get through all this n i need ur blessings  amin.

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of others joy.”  ― Thich Nhat Hanh

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