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Hai im Faiz, or you peeps can call me Ban okey haha. Welcome to my blog that actually has nothing in it, other than 'about me' but please behave urself k ^^,

Thing going on bout me

Friday, November 16, 2012 | 11:21 PM | 0 comments

Final making me crazy.. lots of'em got to study. x sabo nye nk balik.. rindu kat adik kembar. trok btollah kan?? org rindu mak ayah. sye rindu kat kucing. hahahaha.. hbs final ne nk tdo mkn tdo mkn tdo mkn tdo mkn je..biar nek skt bdn ne ha.. hmm.. there still 1 problem that i don't know how 2 solve'em.. psl sorang bdk perempuan neyh. still trperangkap kat kpale neyh. xnk kluar. spe nk tlg ak?? mm. klau btollah dye. xpe.. dok la brape lame pon.. free of charge. xdak hal.. ne xtau dye pnye motif dok kat dlm 2. heee.. lme x p brcuti. sronoknya. enjoy habih cuti neyh. weee.. skang stay kat kamsis. study cni jaa. lgpon cni sjokk.

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